all postcodes in BN25 / SEAFORD

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN25 2AA 20 1 50.773519 0.101015
BN25 2AB 20 3 50.773971 0.10112
BN25 2AE 7 0 50.774334 0.101208
BN25 2AF 16 2 50.774409 0.102019
BN25 2AG 7 0 50.776031 0.104333
BN25 2AH 13 0 50.777035 0.105003
BN25 2AJ 5 0 50.778081 0.10434
BN25 2AL 9 0 50.778611 0.104378
BN25 2AN 5 4 50.775035 0.102728
BN25 2AQ 2 0 50.776645 0.105921
BN25 2AR 5 4 50.772739 0.10037
BN25 2AS 3 1 50.77349 0.099368
BN25 2AY 15 6 50.773479 0.100431
BN25 2BA 21 1 50.774137 0.099156
BN25 2BB 8 0 50.774431 0.098786
BN25 2BD 34 1 50.774589 0.098268
BN25 2BE 6 0 50.775344 0.096544
BN25 2BG 3 0 50.775778 0.095414
BN25 2BH 30 0 50.775146 0.097045
BN25 2BJ 4 3 50.77594 0.094911